Service of Installation for the Spearhead of Social Services,
Reverend Daniel Ostercamp
You are invited to come forward to the candle table before the service begins in honor of Bishop Barbie, the Brave New Church, and all who will soon be our Friends.
You are invited to come forward to the candle table before the service begins in honor of Bishop Barbie, the Brave New Church, and all who will soon be our Friends.
CALL TO WORSHIP: A Call to Silence in honor of our Brave New Leaders
Free Love is the doctrine of this Church
The Quest for truth is its Sacrament
and Service is its Prayer.
To dwell together in Peace,
to seek knowledge in Freedom,
to serve humanity in Fellowship,
thus do we covenant Together.
The Quest for truth is its Sacrament
and Service is its Prayer.
To dwell together in Peace,
to seek knowledge in Freedom,
to serve humanity in Fellowship,
thus do we covenant Together.
We respect ALL* bound consciences
Come Join the Dance of Divinity
ELW 412
Come Join the Dance of Divinity
ELW 412
The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood and the Divine Scripture
AFFIRMATION – Led by our Brave New Youth
We are the Brave New Church:
A people of open minds,
and committed to radical tolerance,
A people of open minds,
and committed to radical tolerance,
boundless unity,
and free Love for all.
(young people may now go to prepare food, drinks, and service for our reception)
(young people may now go to prepare food, drinks, and service for our reception)
OFFERTORY (include your tax return in the envelope)
This is a time of sharing.
Tell us all of things that make you
happy and sad as we seek to
hear the divine within you.
From you I receive, to you I give,
Together we share, and from this we live.
Together we share, and from this we live.
RESPONSIVE READING (the congregation reads the bold parts)
I am a woman -
I have no voice.
The male-dominated world I live in has left me powerless.
You are a male in this culture.
Will you speak up for me?
I am a child –
I have no voice.
The business-oriented world I live in has left me powerless.
You are an entrepreneur in this culture.
Will you speak up for me?
I am a person of color –
I have no voice.
The white–dominated world I live in has left me powerless.
You are a white person in this culture.
Will you speak up for me?
I am a person with physical limitations –
I have no voice.
The mobility-oriented world I live in has left me powerless.
You are a mobile person in this culture.
Will you speak up for me?
I am “one of the least of these.”
I have no voice.
The success-oriented world I live in has left me powerless.
You are able walk the ways of this culture.
Will you speak up for me?
I am all of these people.
You have a voice.
The Divine has called you to speak up for me -
The BNC has called you to walk with me.
Will you live into this calling for my sake?
What if God was One us Us?
By Joan Osborne
What if God was One us Us?
By Joan Osborne
By Her Holy Pinkness Bishop Barbie
By Her Holy Pinkness Bishop Barbie
STATEMENT OF FAITH (we read together)
We who profess the beliefs of the Brave New Church:We declare that there are many interpretation and sources of sacred scripture and but one source from which our religious convictions are reflected and that Jesus of Nazareth is our spiritual guide, leader, and head of our church as he teaches us about the Divine within and practices of free Love.
We declare that God (the Divine) is within each of us and that Jesus the Christ is God's anointed and best Child.
We declare that Divine revelations to humanity are revealed in a holy myriad of ways; therefore, we should search for Divine truth, wisdom, and Love within the pages of our holy books, the world's many sacred scriptures, and our everyday spiritual and scientific explorations to know and commune with the Divine and one Another.
We declare that apart from our rituals and rites, our brothers and sisters of the Divine are free to interpret their Divine notions according to their own personal conscience, understanding, and religious schools of thought in which they belong,
Do you, Name of Spearhead, take this job, to love honor and cherish the Brave New Church now and forevermore? To bring all peoples to the BNC that they might come to see true Divinity within and without?
I will, with the help of Bishop Barbie
I, Name of Spearhead take you, the BNC, to be my Spirit Friends. To have and to hold from this day forward, for demographic fortitude and rainbow ribbons, in health and prosperity, and to seek one nation, in free Love, under Divine watchfulness, indivisible, with unity and tolerance for all.
A special stole is brought forward
Bishop Barbie places the stole upon the Holy Reverend Spearhead
BB: As a token of mutual fidelity, radical tolerance, unity and free Love, receive this token as an outward sign that the BNC owns you, your talents and abilities.”
Please receive the Holy Spearhead with tithes and applause
Stairway to Heaven
By Led Zeppelin
Stairway to Heaven
By Led Zeppelin
O dear God, thank you. You are such a good God to us, a kind and gentle and accommodating God and we thank You, O sweet, sweet Lord of hosts for the smorgasbord you have so aptly lain at our table this day and each day by day.
Day by day by day.
O dear Lord, three things we pray: To love Thee more dearly, to see
Thee more clearly, to follow Thee more nearly… day by day... by day.
Amen. Amen.
SOCIAL HOUR on the upper patio; all* are welcome.